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IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control

Herman I - Martinec D - Hurák Z - Šebek M: Scaling in bidirectional platoons with dynamic controllers and proportional asymmetry. IEEE Transactions Automatic Control, 62 (4), 2034-2040, 2017.
Herman I - Martinec D - Hurák Z - Šebek M: Nonzero bound on Fiedler eigenvalue causes exponential growth of H-infinity norm of vehicular platoon. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 60 (8), 2248 - 2253, 2015.
Henrion D - Peaucelle D - Arzelier D - Šebek M: Ellipsoidal Approximation of the Stability Domain of a Polynomial. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 48 (12), 2255-2259, December 2003.
Henrion D - Šebek M - Kučera V: Positive polynomials and robust stabilization by fixed-order controllers. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, Vol. 48, 7, 1178-1186, July 2003.
Henrion D - Šebek M: Reliable numerical methods for polynomial matrix triangularization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. AC-44, 3, 497-508, March 1999.
Kwakernaak H - Šebek M: Polynomial J-spectral factorization. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. AC-39, 315-328, Feb. 1994.
Hunt KJ - Šebek M - Kučera V: Polynomial solution of the standard multivariable H2-optimal control problem. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. AC-39, 1502-1507, July 1993.
Šebek M: Polynomial solution of 2-D Kalman-Bucy filtering problem. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 37, 1530-1533, Oct. 1992.
Hunt KJ - Kučera V - Šebek M: Optimal regulation using measurement feedback: A polynomial approach. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 37, 682-685, May 1992.
Šebek M: One more counterexample in n-D systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 33, 502-503, May 1988.
Šebek M: n-D matrix polynomial equations. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 33, 499-502, May 1988.
Šebek M - Fornasini E - Bisiacco M: Controllability and reconstructibility conditions for 2-D systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control,33, 496-499, May 1988.
Kučera V - Šebek M: A note on the asymptotic LQG control. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 30, 1232-1235, Dec. 1985.
Šebek M: On 2-D pole placement. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 30, 819-722, Aug. 1985.
Šebek M: Author's reply to `Comments on 2-D exact model matching'. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 29, 374-379, Apr. 1984.
Kučera V - Šebek M: On deadbeat controllers. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 29, 719-722, Aug. 1984.
Šebek M: 2-D exact model matching. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, vol. AC-28, 215-217, Feb. 1983.
Šebek M - Kučera V: Polynomial approach to tracking in discrete linear systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, AC-27, 1248-1250, Dec. 1982.
Šebek M: Polynomial design of stochastic tracking systems. IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control, 27, 468-470, Apr. 1982.


Automatica (IFAC)

Hengster-Movric K - Lewis FL - Šebek M:Distributed Static Output-feedback Control for State Synchronization in Networks of Identical LTI Systems. Automatica, 53, 282–290, 2015.
Henrion D - Arzelier D - Peaucelle D - Šebek M: An LMI Condition for Robust Stability of Polynomial Matrix Polytopes. Automatica, 37, 461-468, 2001.
Henrion D - Šebek M: Symmetric matrix polynomial equation: Interpolation results. Automatica, 34 (7), 811-824, 1998.
Hunt KJ - Šebek M: Polynomial LQ optimization for the standard control structure: Scalar solution. Automatica, 29, 507-509, March 1992.
Hunt KJ - Šebek M: Implied polynomial matrix equations in multivariable stochastic optimal control. Automatica, 27 (2), 395-398, 1990.
Šebek M: Asymptotic tracking in 2-D and delay-differential systems. Automatica, 24, 711-713, Sept. 1988.


Další špičkové časopisy: WoS D1 a Q1

Zhang X - Hengster-Movric K - Šebek M - Desmet W - Faria C: Distributed Observer and Controller Design for Spatially Interconnected Systems. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology, 2017
Dong ZZ - Faria C - Hromčík M - Pluymers B - Šebek M - Desmet W: Equivalent force modeling of macro fiber composite actuators integrated into nonhomogeneous composite plates for dynamic applications. Smart Materials & Structures, 26(9), 2017
Pčolka M - Žáčeková E - Čelikovský S - Šebek M: Towards a Smart Car: Hybrid Nonlinear Predictive Controller with Adaptive Horizon. IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology. 2017
Martinec D - Herman I - Šebek M: On the necessity of symmetric positional coupling for string stability. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems, 5(1), 45-54, 2018
Martinec D - Herman I - Šebek M: A travelling wave approach to a multi-agent system with a path-graph topology. Systems and Control Letters, 99(1), 90-98, 2017.
Pčolka M . Žáčeková E - Robinett R - Čelikovský S - Šebek M: Bridging the gap between the linear and nonlinear predictive control: Adaptations for efficient building climate control. Control Engineering Practice, 53, 124–138, 2016
Hengster-Movric K - Šebek M - Čelikovský S: Structured Lyapunov Functions for Synchronization of Identical Affine-in-control Agents—Unified Approach. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 353 (14), 3457–3486, 2016.
Hengster-Movric K - Lewis FL - Šebek M - Vyhlídal T: Cooperative Synchronization Control for Agents with Control Delays: A Synchronizing Region Approach, Journal of the Franklin Institute, 352 (5), 2002-2028, 2015.
Kujan P - Hromcik M - Šebek M: Complete Fast Analytical Solution of the Optimal Odd Single-Phase Multilevel Problem. IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 57 (7), 2382-2397, 2010.
Šebek M - Hromčík M: Numerical algorithms for polynomial plus/minus factorization. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17 (8), 786–802, 2007.
Hurák Z - Bottcher A - Šebek M: Minimum Distance to the Range of a Banded Lower Triangular Toeplitz Operator in l-1 and Application in l-1 Optimal Control. SIAM SICON, 45 (107-122), 2006.
Šebek M - Hromčík M: Polynomial Design Methods – Editorial. International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control, 17 (8), 679–681, 2007.
Sebek M: 16th IFAC World Congress: The Largest Automatic Control Conference Ever. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, IEEE Control Systems 26(1), 107-110, 2006.
Soderstrom T - Sebek M - Jezek J - Kucera V - Henrion D: An Evaluation of Algorithms for Computing the Covariance Function of a Multivariable ARMA Process. European Journal of Control, 8(4), 2002.
Henrion D - Tarbouriech S - Sebek M:Rank-one LMI approach to simultaneous stabilization of linear systems. System and Control Letters, 38, 79-89, 1999.
Sebek M:Two-sided equations and skew primness for n-D polynomial matrices. System and Control Letters, 12, 331-337, 1989.
Kucera V - Sebek M: Model matching of discrete linear systems. System and Control Letters, 1, 321-325, Mar. 1982.